skin graft surgery

My Scars Before and After Skin Graft Surgery

As I type this I can’t believe how far I’ve come. Up until now I would have never shared my scars with anyone, let alone posted publicly about them. I’ve learned how to accept my scars and move on throughout the years. The reason I’m sharing my journey, thoughts, feelings, and pictures of my scars […]

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Two Years After My Skin Graft Surgery

It has now been two years since I underwent skin graft surgery in Istanbul. A skin graft surgery was supposed to help improve the appearance of my scars. This was quite a big procedure where I had to stay abroad for two weeks before I was strong enough to fly home. My life changed with

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How a Skin Graft Surgery Changed the Appearance of my Scars

I’ve already written about how scars have a big impact on my life. I’m not alone – many people struggle with the appearance of their scars. Not only do scars affect our physical appearance, but they can also be reminders of difficult times. Finding a Solution For My Scars Despite accepting what happened to me

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Best Scar Creams I Used after My Skin Graft Surgery

Several years have passed after the traumatic event that caused my scars, so I decided it was time to do something about it. My scars were very visible and covered a large area of my body. I knew that my worth does not depend on my physical appearance, but the stigma of these scars was

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How to Get Rid of Scars and Improve Your Skin

Do you have a scar? Perhaps you know someone struggling with scars that are very visible? Even though scars can bring up some difficult memories and might not look very nice, you shouldn’t be embarrassed by having scars because that’s part of life. Moreover, you are here which means you survived, and your scars can

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