Get a copy of my book to read more about my scar surgery & how I put scars behind me

My Scars Affect my Life

The scars I carry tell a story – my story. But more than that, they affect my everyday life in a lot of ways…

self harm scars skin graft surgery

Two Years After my Skin Graft Surgery

I found a breakthrough procedure that worked for my scars. At first I wasn’t sure what to do with my scars – I was hiding myself from the world. But this surgery changed my life for the better.

Be Proud of Your Scars

It’s time to break the taboos and be proud of what scars mean – they mean you won the battle, you survived. Get yourself some of my merchandise to help open a discussion about scars. our purchase would mean a lot to me, as it helps me keep this website running.

Do you have a scar? Perhaps you know someone struggling with scars that are very visible? Read more about how to get rid of scars.

Having scars – whether they are acne scarsself-harm scars, or burn scars – sometimes make us feel broken, incomplete, or perhaps not strong enough. Read more about the impact scars have on your life.

Read more about different types of scars that can occur on your skin.

Read more about hypetrophic and keloid scars and the difference between them.

If you are struggling when visiting the beach or going swimming, check out these long-sleeve swimwear.

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